JBL Paragon - D44000

Matt Garrett - Dallas Texas - 214-878-3823

Paragon #1605 is currently being offered to other like collectors!

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 JBL D44000 Paragon Speaker... Click here for The Most Collectable Audio Piece on Earth

Click Here! To See Paragon with Marantz Components

Another Paragon Link

Available to the worldwide audio community is one of my 2 Paragon's from my current collection.  JBL Paragon. D44000 (Walnut).  Rare late SN Paragon from the late 70s... Possibly final year actually.  Serial # 1605 to be exact.  One of the highest I have seen. This is an original piece that has had no cosmetic restoration. Although nothing of this age is going to be 100% perfect, this example is a very good original that is about as good as I have seen without needing any help of the 35+ top quality Paragons I have owned over the years.  I would not hesitate to call it as good as it gets, but everyone has their own opinions and I have tried to make this site a fair way of making your own.  If you click the many photos below, they will blow up into insanely large examples that will allow you to get down to the very details of the unit.  The first photo you see below is how #1605 will look displayed in a listening room.  That is my #438 just for the one photo.  The one for sale (#1605) is actually a little nicer in many ways.  Being that I have had #438 for 25+ years, I hesitate to sell it over this one... but they are pretty much apples to apples as a whole.  What you will see below are very discriminating photos that will show you exactly what you are dealing with.  The wood floor room above is my listening room.  The room you see with the red carpet is my collector car garage where I moved #1605 into so I could get every angle imaginable.  I have many high watt florescent lights turned on backing up the camera to absolutely rip to shreds and exaggerate every flaw in the unit.  It still looks great even there but its an above honest representation of how this unit looks and has survived time.  In a listening room presentation, #1605 is as beautiful as they come.

The configuration of #1605 is LE15/375/075.    The LE15s 375s and 075s are all original when I opened it up but I have reconed the LE15s just to bring it up to sonic perfection.  These are JBL Factory cones and were done by Freeman Tuell here in Dallas.  I have them ohmed out in some photos below.  They are balanced and are as new.  The 375s and 075s are perfect as new.

Sonically the unit is 100% as I got it some time ago.  No excuses.  As far as physical condition, the photos should really tell the story.  I am the second owner.  The first was in Mass.  #1605 was never moved until I moved it from his home about a year ago. #1605 has some MINOR flaws but they are really minor as a whole package. The worst has a 21MP blow up of it... It is minor. The unit has NO sun damage, the delicate front refractor board is virtually perfect including the top surface and there are no cracks, chunks, delaminating, etc on the unit anywhere.  There are NO CUP MARKS anywhere on thus unit. This is another 100% original, unrestored Paragon less the LE15 recone.  It is about as perfect as you will see in its honest original condition.  It is offered for sale to the discriminating Audiophile/Collector worldwide.

Below is just one photo in the listening room... the rest are #1605


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