VOTE CARROLLTON - 2022 Bond Election



Voting NO is certainly an option.  It is often the conservative viewpoint when it comes to Bond elections.   We should be able to pay as you go right?  In a perfect world, that would be ideal.... but as an easy analogy;  How many people, including the most proclaimed conservatives,  have bought or even renovated their home without the aid of a mortgage or loan?   If you say yes, you are only one of a few.  Same goes for a city when it comes to major projects.

In the case of Carrollton, the approved bond proposal was guided by a fiscal conservative group starting with the Capitol Improvements Plan Advisory Committee.  (CIPAC)     This is an appointed group that oversees all of the projects and steps up to the approval of the propositions.   This group was appointed by a fiscally conservative City Council.  The last Bond Election in Carrollton was in 2018, so the guidance has been quite conservative and a Bond Election is only proposed when needed.    Carrollton is the single most conservative municipality out of the sister cities that make up the northern part of the Metroplex.   Most of the projects in the propositions rate in a "must need" attention area.   It may be your own street.  However, with conservative guidance and budget restraints, MANY needed projects never make it and only those determined to the the most squeaky of wheels make the list.   CIPAC's and Council's direction has been to give the Citizens as much as possible WITHOUT raising taxes.   The Propositions reflect this.  There is nothing frivolous or outlandish in any of their work.

Voting YES will give the needed areas the funding to be improved and they will get done.   Voting NO will only prolong needed projects and promote decay of our current infrastructure.   Voting NO will NOT reduce the tax rate.  It will only push off what is needed to the next years where it will eventfully cost more.   Voting NO will NOT add to your quality of life in Carrollton.   Should our infrastructure decay,  that decay will entice less people to move or do business in Carrollton.  Continuing decay may eventually lead to people moving out of Carrollton to a nearby town that is a little more progressive in their infrastructure programs.  Less people mean less taxes to pay for these projects... and the decay just spirals out of control. 

The Bond Election is a needed balance of necessity combined with a very conservative oversight.   Voting NO will not benefit you as a citizen of Carrollton... more so it will not benefit the younger generations either.  Streets wont get better by themselves and will only be more expensive to work on tomorrow.    Providing our Elected officials with the direction, funds and tools needed to maintain and improve our infrastructure is our responsibility as active voters and citizens of Carrollton.  

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